Automatic vs. Semi-Automatic Machines

The age old question in the coffee machine world, "automatic or semi-automatic machine" and "what the heck is a super-automatic?"...

Don't worry we cut down to the hard, simple facts of choosing the right machine.

Automatic - you manually grind the beans and push the button, it's that simple.  We find most of our customers that buy an automatic are looking for a solution with a faster, cleaner process.  Versus our customer who buy a semi-automatic and love the experience of manually grinding the beans, tamping the portafilter, setting the correct pressure and going for it!

Semi Automatic - you grind the beans, tamp it in the portafilter, set the correct pressure and you're good to go! Most of our customers who prefer the semi's do it for the experience, better flavour profile and broader range of machines.

Super Automatic - with a built in grinder super-auto's are the easiest of the easy to operate.  Grind it and push the button!  The coffee is ground fresh, tamped perfectly and dispensed within a few seconds, enjoy!  With a broad range of options super-auto's have grown in popularity over the years and offer no shortage in options and price ranges.

Until next time, stay caffeinated my friends, stay caffeinated...

-MyBeanMachine Team

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